Saturday, September 27, 2014

Greeting from the UK

I feel like a bad person for not being able to write sooner.
Its been quite a while since my last entry and my life has been such a roller coaster.
Rather common things to say don't you think?

The thing is that I have changed my country of residence twice within three month time period plus all the other things I have been doing + travelling around. Work and summer. I don't really feel like I had a sufficient summer holiday although it was there...

Thus, in relation to my sewing and doll related things my time for them has been reduced to zero rather effectively. Unfortunately so. I was rather looking forward getting Nerida finisher, pictures of Rein, tiny clothing for Mina and so on... I have a list of plans but because of the distance it will be impossible to have any of those things done before Christmas.
I hate to even think it will such a long time before I get to see my dolls! Or to properly sew anything. This is because all my dolls are currently in Finland while I have just moved to UK with just one suitcase with me. Therefore only highly necessary things are here for now.

While I won't be able to sew anything I will be posting some sketches/other things of what I am planning to sew/do as soon as that is possible.

Please keep checking back ~

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Busy summer

I haven't been able to update much around here for a while.
My apologies about that.
Some of you may know I moved around last month and such things always require time and energy.
Moreover, I was working as well so no free time in the beginning.
Now while I have some free time to enjoy my dolls are elsewhere where I cannot enjoy them.
Maybe next week we see some change to that situation.

I haven't been able to update or sew new clothes for sale either.
Despite of this fact I have focused my time on something else. I have completed few new jewellery pieces.
There were others as well, but as I happened to forgot my camera charger elsewhere as well.. No fabulous pictures to share at the moment.
Antique brown/silver dragonfly choker
and tiny umbrella necklace w/ light blue stars
Additionally I have been painting a bit. I have previously taken occasional face-up commissions and decided to give it a try after a longer pause. My 'victim' was a lovely NS Supia Lina head. Brown colors, natural looking lips and eyebrow model to follow. I had her eyes and a brown wig to match the tones.
Supia NS Lina head w/ Tsukifly face-up
I was concerned that the face-up came out as too dark, but with her wig it looks very nice indeed. Hope to see pictures of her later once her owner adds eyelashes and finishes her look. I had very much fun painting her, but this isn't exactly easy cup of tea, all those small details take hours to finish. But I am happy about the practice I got. I hope to do more commissions at later stage as well.

Moreover, I have another project besides the finished face-up commission. Nerida (previously Soom FC NS Amber) made her return as an original Soom Amber w/ gorgeous Soom default face-up. Her eyes are elsewhere (will be blue) and her fantasyparts are currently waiting for a blush / some color on them.
I am still having debate over violet / brown or a combination of the two, but I should probably make my decision soon and get over it. I don't want her to wait for them too long!
Glimpse of Nerida and her parts going for blushing ~
I should do an update of Tsukifly clothing and everything. Maybe at the end of the week I might have some possibility to do something along the lines. My plan book is also full of new ideas if only I find time to try them out!

One plan involves laces bonnets. 
Have to test those patterns I drew before I am ready to show any pictures though.
Please keep checking back!~
~ Tsuki

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Assembling guide for a Volks Dollfie Dream Sister (DDS) body

As you see this is going to be totally different kind of post.
It seems I have been experimenting with lots of new stuff this year and this is one of them.
Both in terms of assembling and in writing a tutorial about it.
I believe I spoke about Volks Dollfie Dreams somewhere in my previous posts, maybe I even mentioned my plans to get one. That has been done, more or less. I decided to have a start by getting the body.

I got my hands on Volks Dollfie Dream Sister body parts. Normally if you wish to buy this directly from Volks I believe you have to purchase every part separately (and naturally hope everything will be in stock..).

Initial observations what I find to be very nice aspects in this body:
- Its size, its not quite as tall as DDII and DDIII bodies
- DDS body can still wear Volks DD outfits
- Enhanced posing abilities - arms have an extra joint and the body holds poses very well.

What you need:
The body itself consists of total 8 parts (excluding the head).
Here is the list of parts I have used - numbers differ according to skin color and options.
❀ M size bust - DDS-B-01
❀ Arms - DDS-A-01
❀ internal frame - DDS-BF-o1
❀ HDD-01 hands (basic hands)
❀ waist / lower torso - DDS-W-01
❀ thighs - DDS-HL-01
❀ shins - DDS-LL-01
❀ feet - DDS-FO-01
All parts out of box and ready for action
Getting started
Here we have all the body parts (8 in total).
They were all in separate boxes so took a little while to get them ready for action.

Each package contained assembling instructions in Japanese. I could make sense of them to some degree, but not too many pictures this time (remember seeing Unoa assembling guides with lots of pictures..).

Lovely instructions in Japanese.
I cannot say where you should start your assembling process. Some prefer to start building from bottom up. It seems I went in for kind of mixed plan. I started completing hands. Attaching hand parts to arms to get them out of the way.

Hands to arms
Please see the picture for reference in order to attach it the right way. Although I believe that hands don't quite fit on their place if you try to attach them the other way. So the flat side up. Then just slide each hand on their place using gentle amount of force.
Attaching the hands to arms - flat side up (arm parts).

When you have arms fully completed we move on...

I decided to 'attack' to complete the upper part of the body first. To my opinion attaching the thighs to shins is the most difficult / demanding part in the whole assembling process and this time I preferred to leave that among the last ones.

So, get ready for the next part by gathering the needed parts. First this funny looking internal frame as Dollfie Dream bodies are not hold together by strings like normal BJDs but they have sort of 'skeleton' within the body.
Slide internal frame to the peg. They fit nicely together.

Internal frame to lower torso
DDS Internal frame
Internal frame fits nicely to the peg sticking out from the waist / lower torso part. All you have to do is to slide the internal frame on its place. Which way, please see the picture.

Bust to lower torso
Attach internal frame / waist to bust part
Looks as pictured when its on its place
(observe from armpits)
The basic hands look like this.
You can also buy variety of different hand parts from Volks.
They are easy enough to change.
After you have attached internal frame to lower torso / waist part you need to apply the bust part in order to complete the whole upper body. Again, this is rather easily done. Just slide the bust part on the lower part so that the peg sticking from the top of the internal frame goes though the neck hole. Then just fit it right so that you are able to attach arms. Observe from the armpits - the holes should be in the middle.

After you have made it to this point all you need to do is to put the arms in their right places. Right and left, slide them in to holes you see in the middle of each armpit. Again you may need to apply a bit of gentle force as they are quite tight fit. This enables them to hold poses really well.

The upper part of the body completed
Missing legs..
Attaching thighs to shins
I found this to be the hardest part in the whole assembling process. From first glance you may observe that the parts don't even seem to fit together - the thigh holes look way too small to fit the 'huge' pegs sticking out from shins. Don't worry. However, I found it easier to work with after giving the vinyl a bit of 'heat treatment'. So I would suggest to use a hair dryer to make the vinyl more pliable. As I did not have access to hair dryer while doing this tutorial I resolved to boil some water and use the steam arising from it. Keep each thigh part above steam for a short while, not too long as you do not want to melt it.
Attach thighs to shins
When you feel the vinyl gives away a bit then proceed and use your fingers to get the peg from inside each thigh part and slide it outside through each hole. After this attach shins to the pegs - be careful which is right and which is left as it is rather hard to get them off should you not succeed in selecting the right parts. It can still be done so it is nothing final but makes it a lot easier to get it right the first time.
Get the peg from inside the thigh part and slide it outside through the hole.

When you have attached shins to the pegs sticking out from each thigh then you need to push this completed attached peg inside thigh. This requires you to use a bit of gentle force to get it all in but it is possible and something you need to do. If you wish you may use the heat treatment again to make the process easier.
It requires a bit more force to push the peg all the way inside.
Completed legs

Feet, legs & completing the rest 
Feet to shin
Feet are rather easy after you have survived thighs and shins. Just slide the right foot to right shin. As far as it goes. Then you should have completed the legs. All that is left is attaching the legs to hip sockets. This is quite easy as well. You just fit the pegs sticking from hip sockets to each hole inside each thigh and push gentle to slide them as far as they go. When done you are able to test how the legs move.

Additional info: I understand that some owners prefer to attach aluminum reinforcement pieces in between the thigh - hip joint as this is one of the places where cracks may occur at later stage. I didn't have them for this tutorial but I might consider getting them later. I recommend you to take a look.

Once you have successfully attached thighs into each hip socket I can congratulate you for completing your assembling process. Now you should have the completed body (except for the head) ahead of you.

In order to complete your Dollfie Dream all you need is to attach a head into the body. This is done by sliding the peg sticking from the neck through the hole in the head. Volks sells variety of heads separately but you also have an option to hunt down a limited head. Limited models occasionally pop up at DoA marketplace.
All finished and completed
Sneak peak
I wish you luck with completing your own Dollfie Dream and I hope this tutorial helps you with your assembling process. Should there be any questions I am happy to try to answer them.

My DDS body. I believe I mentioned I plan to get a DD Saber. She originally had DDIII body which I do not like as much so getting the head separately is my decision. Off to DoA marketplace to check.

Next update will be about clothing. As I now have DDS body I have several plans to try out outfits in DD size. Those will be available later I hope.

Thank your for reading!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Greetings from Dolliverse 2014

This year's Dolliverse is now over. 
An amazing experience. I had wonderful time and moreover a wonderful driver who took very good care of me. I don't think the experience would have been as wonderful without him!
There was a lot to see around our tables. This year my dear friend was unable to attend herself so I was the sole person minding the two tables. It was an experience. And a busy one! 
Tsukifly & Hime*Hime table - seems to have a lot of things..
A big thank you for everybody who bought my creations

I am very happy that many of you remembered me from last year. I was very happy to see my creations on your dolls as well! For this year I even had some cards to hand over. Nothing much, but the blog address was there at least. Furthermore it was wonderful to hear your comments! Not only regarding my products but about the table set up and everything as well~! 

Comments give me renewed confidence for the future. They also give me hints what you would like to see next time. I was asked several times whether I will be there again next year. Well, I will try of course, but since I have some major changes coming (graduation!) circumstances may change. Please keep checking back - I am sure to write about my plans later on.

This cute girl visited my table.
Along she had two smallest BJDs I have ever seen.
Last year there were more Pullip people around. This year MSD size would have been most preferred so for the next time I must stock up on that one. MSD seems to be a bit tricky for me, my MSD model being elsewhere for the most of the time. 
If there is any size you would like to see available please feel free to let me know, I will see what I  can do :)
Overall I got the feeling that Dolliverse was more international as many dollmakers were present as well. The only thing I regret is not to have time to check all of them more closely! Otherwise I am very happy how it all went.

I was especially glad to briefly see DD-Anne and her lovely dolls. I have been checking her Flickr regularly for updates regarding Alice in Underland Chapter 5. She is making a queen ~ The size of the queen is intriquing. Additionally, now that I have seen the queen in person I think the sculpting is even more detailed than I imagined.
DD-Anne's Fairygarden ~
A saw her new Queen which seems lovely.
The size especially appeals to me..

Now I am looking to sort out the remaining Tsukifly items, take some new pictures, update the store and such.

Love the tan skin! 
What is coming next? I may give a small hint that as a Dollfie Dream fan I have been wishing to bring one home with a new Volks DDS body. If I succeed in getting her then I presume there will be DD sized clothing coming available sometime in near future. Nothing much different to SD size, only their waist is more narrow. I might have few more adventurous dress set designs in mind...

What I would like to try is to make something for Cerisedolls. I like their body shape. Another such would be Leekeworld A or B bodies, the newest ones. I really liked Leekeworld's new fairy ~

I believe this suffice as a little account about this year's Dolliverse. I am looking forward to next year as I would love to come. Would prefer a more central location though, if the travel is going to be a long one, it may be difficult to reach. I will look into it. Thank you for your support and interest towards Tsukifly!~
Please keep checking back here as well. Next entry is likely to be somewhat different. Will be about DDS body and if I feel confident I might provide a tutorial on how to assemble one ~

Friday, June 27, 2014

Wrapping up

Few days until Dolliverse.
I must say I am excited and I do hope my products will be liked.
In addition I have tried to focus on this garden theme, having a lot of flower / butterfly / dragonfly related items. A small set up will be around the table as well. Currently working on it. Finishing touches.
Moreover, the Tsukifly Pullip custom has now been finished, named and boxed up. She will come with a full Tsukifly outfit, wig and face-up. I have also a box and a bag to give where she will be safe during travel.

Tsukifly 'Sarinna' Pullip Custom
Up for Adoption at Dolliverse
Two more Tsukifly Pullip dresses were finished.
Additionally I finished one more yo-sd/tiny babydoll tulle dress, modeled here by Mina. This year I have not only more dresses but also accessories. In my previous post those new headdresses were shown and here we have white lace chokers with additional details or without. Futhermore, there will be hairpieces, necklaces and such available as well.

My dear friend supplied me with a lovely suitcase for the table which I am going to use to display all the various second hand wigs we have available. I can assure you. There will be more than 20 different wigs available. In several sizes varying from tiny size to SD/Pullip sizes. And what else? A lot of second-hand doll clothing as well, shoes and such.  
White lace chokers - different designs
SD/Supergem size
Tiny/Yo-SD babydoll tulle dress
So, I hope to see you at Dolliverse on this coming Sunday! 
This year I even have small cards to hand out - not too many, but better than nothing right ~
Now I should have a test run on the set-up. Whether it works the way I hope it does.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

On the brink of Dolliverse

One week to go! Dolliverse will be next Sunday!
I have been more than busy preparing various things, putting up tags, finishing up different things, planning on the possible display etc. Hardly have had time to think about taking pictures in between but managed to get some at least. Mina (Aileendoll Camellia) got her style right with a new set of eyes and a Licht wig.
Little helper Mina w/ suitcases for Dolliverse

Here she is with some suitcases that I will have for sale at Dolliverse. Leather suitcases we already had last year but this year I will also have two tin suitcases w/leather straps - something new as I wish to see which ones are preferred. The pink lace dress on Mina will also be available.
Pullip sized layered dresses for Dolliverse

Moreover, I saw that there was demand for Pullip sized dresses (last year's observation) and thus I have prepared something to that end. Several pullip sized dresses will be available. At least I can promise there are more designs than last year (regret I had only two available). This year the amount is more close to 10 I believe. Additionally there will be accessories sold separately. Headpieces, chokers etc. so people have a possibility to built up their own combination of the available pieces if they so wish. Mix and Match to your own liking if I can say so. Should I remind that the best ones are likely to go first? ^-^

Two flowery Tsukifly headpieces available at Dolliverse

Friday, June 13, 2014

Pair of new dresses

I have had huge stress over school lately.
Haven't had much time to think anything else.
New dresses - MSD and Tiny sizes for Dolliverse
Baby Pink Skin Soom Sammi will be
available for adoption at Dolliverse as well.
Now I seem to get more time for myself when most of the pressing matters have been done away.
Preparation for Dolliverse among other things.
I have been active in DoA posting a lot of stuff for sale which will be coming along to Dolliverse as well.

Here you can see a glimpse of two new dresses, out of japanese white/light blue dragonfly fabric, which will be at Dolliverse. One is Tiny sized baby doll -styled dress, another in MSD size with slight differences. This MSD dress is made to fit an MSD with more bust so I am trying to answer the demand here.

I was afraid I wouldn't have time to complete many Pullip sized dresses, but it appears I might have made some progress so there will be some available. Mostly layer dresses with different fabric designs :)

My Aileendoll Camellia arrived this week.
I was going to sell this wig but it looks rather cute on her...
Oh Mina! She has her own mind, different from my plans...

So what will be available at my table at Dolliverse?
Dolls - Soom Beauty, Soom Sammi, Luts Juri '05 head, Luts Kid delf Event head and Fairyland MNF Juri 2013 head up for adoption
Clothing - Pullip, Tiny, MSD, SD, Supergem - lots of different designs, some new things. Pullip dresses are all OOAK and won't be offered again.
Jewellery - different designs
Accessories - Props and other stuff for your dolls to use in various photoshoots
A Pullip custom - complete with face-up, Leeke wig, Tsukifly dress-set
Second-hand doll stuff - outfits (Volks, Dollheart etc.), wigs, eyes - all in various sizes

Yush, something listed to give you a hint. So do not miss Dolliverse on 29th June, 2014!

I hope to update at least once before the event, maybe pictures of the Pullip dresses / custom?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Sneak peak - Pullip custom and little lace dress

This new update comes rather fast.
I got a little boost of inspiration and to my happiness these turned out pretty nicely.

First about the Pullip custom currently under preparation.
I had no idea what kind of face I would like for her, but something came up.
This is how we started off. Clean table? 
This face-up was done using pastels and watercolor pencils. 
 For coating naturally MSC. I will add gloss around her eyes and lips once I get a chance (currently waiting for a new bottle to be tested..)

Pullip custom - face and eyes
No name yet, but she will be kind of candy victorian girl.
Whatever that description might disclose. 
This was my first time to assemble Pullip eye mechanism and I was a bit horrified by it. But once it was there, everything in their rightful places (I do not tell in detail how I have my issues with attaching eyelashes... Every single time...) I am rather pleased by how she looks. The eyes even. Turned out as I hoped they would. The other, as said, is a bit "blind" so it is more hazy looking than the other. Eye patch is under preparation.. Also the dress has been started to a certain degree.

Tsukifly clothing then. New baby pink lace dress for Tiny/Yo-SD was completed today. Will be posted for sale later. I rather like how it turned out. This dress will be commissionable as long as the lace lasts. For now, only one is completed. For Dolliverse I plan to do few so they will be available there as well. I have also few other dress designs drawn - for tiny and MSD. I got MSD torso part that I can use to plan MSD sized clothing for those MSDs that have more mature bodies. My Tori has very childlike body - that is what Dollmore kid body is although otherwise I have no complaints whatsoever.    
Baby pink lace dress - Yo-SD/Tiny
Tied with ribbons at the back.
Yes, think that is a quick update and sneak peak on what is going on currently. I will keep you updated.
~ Tsuki

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pullip custom progress and doll planning

Somehow it seems the time is flying.
I have been trying to work on Tsukifly stuff but it seems to be rather slow  at the moment.
Regular life requires my attention at the moment.

Nevertheless, the pullip custom has progressed somewhat.
I have completed her eyes and the dress is half way through (slow progress since I am working on it completely by hand..). About the style. She will have a long dress in brown color, layers, lace and ribbons. Just to give you a little hint. She will be offered for sale as a fullset but to have a special twist she is likely to have short pink wig and kinda special eyes - the other being "blind" which is why she is to wear an eye patch over it (matches with the dress of course). Headdress is likely to accompany the dress although I was also considering whether I should make a Tsukifly flowerband for her. Would be more special than the headdress but we will see.

No that I am talking for once.. I might consider turning this blog towards more general dolly blog, thus also including my doll planning etc. But this might defeat its purpose so I am still considering whether to do this in a large scale. Now however, I must say something in relation to Volks Dollfie Dream Dolls. I started my BJD hobby with Volks DD Sirius. She was an amazing one, but in the end I felt she did not get the attention she deserved. Therefore I resolved to sell her. I didn't think I would regret but I must say I do, tiny little bit. There are qualities in Volks DDs that aren't there in "regular" BJDs made of resin. DDs, as they are made of vinyl are light and easy to carry although being the same size as SDs. Two other qualities are their ability to pose amazingly and moreover, hold those poses as well as their anime style faces. Of course, I am aware that the face is important and if you are more for realistic look then DDs are perhaps not your cup of tea. However, I found I also like them, along with my regular BJDs. As said I didn't think I would miss the one I sold, but I kinda do.

What is done cannot be undone, but I have a new promising target. I think she might prove to be much better suited for me than the one I had. This is Volks DD Saber. I just love her smiling face. Makes me smile as well. I have forbidden myself to try to bond with sad looking dolls, they don't seem to work for me. Saber would certainly be something else. Maybe I am able to get a DD Saber at some point (she seems hard and expensive one to obtain.. =-=)and then I could offer DD fitted clothing as well. The DD body is very slim from the middle compared to SDs. Otherwise they can wear same clothing. So yes, she will be on my wishlist. I am also doing some serious considerations with my current BJDs. Soom Beauty, Luts Delf Juri '05 and possibly one more Soom girl will most likely be up for adoption.
Volks Dollfie Dream Saber (FATE/Extra ver.)
There are also other versions of her but I would prefer extra with these lovely green eyes ~
As the days are full of sunlight and nice weather I wish I could shut myself in a forgotten garden along with my dolls and sewing thing. Only then I would be able to achieve an ideal position to start working for Dolliverse with full speed. The theme is garden and I have a small plan for a set-up as well.

I hope to have some new creations to share with you after I get these other things off my hands.
Thank you for reading! 
~ Tsuki

Friday, April 11, 2014

Lacey Dream dress set

Fast update to announce that I am finally starting to get inspired again.
I got very nice fabrics and lace during winter from my trips around the world (China and Finland mainly) and even ended up ordering some from Japan to where I haven't had a chance to go personally just yet.
Here is my newest little dress. Lacey Dream for SD/SD13/Supergem* girls.
Just a small introduction that the lower part composes of two layers of white tulle and on top we have a lovely light blue lace. The upper part is polkadot fabric with light blue ribbons, two different laces and beads. Snap fasteners at the back.
The fit seems to be better for smaller SD/SD13 bodies but will also go on new Soom Supergem body (picture), which is a bit slimmer than the older one. I hope this will be liked. Would make a nice dress for the table display as well.
Tsukifly Lacey Dream Dress set for SD/SD13/Supergem

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Delicate hairbands, talk and glass bottles

Another month has started and spring is quickly turning into summer.
So it feels with occassional +20 degrees looming outside.
I have worked on Tsukifly headbands - yes, more and more, for both dolliverse and the store.
Previously I ordered some Silver headbands - SD sized. I want to try out some delicate headbands as well.

Silver hairband - SD
I still need to get more small paper flowers. Should have some of those around somewhere. While I have my sewing stuff scattered around I probably will acquire more or less some similar stuff. Oh well. They are always in the wrong location while you are somewhere else and would be in need of them.

The Silver hairband with small paper flowers and a Silver butterfly detail is one of the first ones. There will be more, both in MSD/Tiny and SD sized ones.

For last year's Dolliverse I made one Alice themed glass bottle. Now I found I still had some more which I wanted to decorate. Perfect for displaying. Both are filled with jewellery stones that can be used as each has a hole in them. Other than that they look cute displayed in the bottle. I will offer them up for sale later on.

Glass bottles with Jewellery Stones - Pefrect for displaying! 

Seems I have finally got over my sewing block and some of the pieces I had plans for are starting to take shape. Slowly but surely. While I have other demanding things to do I use some of my spare time to advance my sewing plans a little. I am very happy about the fact that the situation has finally taken a turn towards creativity mode again. Hopefully just in time for another Dolliverse.

My attendance to Dolliverse 2014 has been confirmed more or less. I am happy about that as well. Already have several ideas for the table display. I am still undecided which of my girls will be my table model this year. It probably depends whether I have any dolls for sale at the time, if that would be the case they might as well play as models while being on display to find a new home.
In my previous post I mentioned about a pullip custom I am going to make. Yup. I found some nice black eyelashes, she will have something of a lace like eyelids and the dress from a flowery fabric. The color is so far undecided but I am debating between black and beige. Might go for beige as I rather have her in light colors than black black. I am a bit afraid to continue with her - the next stage is face-up.
Please check the store for new additions =^-^=
Thank you for reading!
- Tsuki

Monday, March 24, 2014

Plans, Dolliverse and Headbands

I am slowly starting to recover from my lack of inspiration period.
Not fully there yet, but Spring and all this sunlight is also helping me.
At least headbands are inspiring me.
Just finished two new ones and managed to put them up at the Store.
Previously I forgot to add some of the stuff, but sure enough I will add everything now.

Nene reaching up towards little bird houses I have made as props.
Maybe they will end up on my Dolliverse table this year?
MIO kit has a lovely box.
 I made the decision to go to Dolliverse this year as well.
Planning the table should start at some point, but I feel it is a bit early for that at the moment.

I previously made cute bird houses, which might be up at the table. Huge fan of origami cranes as well. Maybe there would be something to consider? Definedly something cute and pink. I have been encouraged to make a Pullip custom as well. I have been a bit hesitant about that, but finally managed to buy a MIO Pullip kit. So, that is my next bigger Project. To complete this Pullip custom. For the time being my deadline has been set to be Dolliverse (she would be up for sale there) but might complete her sooner if I can. Eye mechanism keeps scaring me...

As I said above, I have been inspired to try some headbands (at least!). So I was able to use some of the new ribbons and foam flowers I acquired. Those have been sitting on my table for quite a while now. Sadly. But now it is over. For some of the flowers and ribbons. I think I will do few more. I want to try out those lime flowers I found as well as some minty ribbon - do you think they would work together?
Nene was my model for both of the new headbands.
However, they fit well on SD and MSD heads as well.

Here are some pictures of the two new designs. I especially like how the feathers look like on the second headband. Both of these have been posted up at the Store as well.
Two new headband designs.
One with feathers as I felt like trying them out.
I hope you like them!
I think that is all for now. I will be back with more designs and updates regarding the Pullip custom as well as other things. I received Luts Event heads as well, considering whether to do a face-up on them or sell them blank. At the moment blank is my reference as all my face-up stuff is in Finland. The difficulties when you live in another country. The distance is not so easily covered.
Thank you for reading!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Seeking Inspiration - Taipei De Monde Pinocchio Dollfair

I think I have mentioned something of my lack of inspiration in relation to sewing in my previous posts.
Well, in order to tackle this and get some time off I was finally able to use the invitation from my dear friend Irene (check her blog Caketown). This was my first Asia trip and I was totally amazed by several things. I learned so much and got new friends of which I am very happy as well :)!

One of  the highlights of the trip was the additional trip to Taipei, Taiwan.
This was during the weeked when De Monde Pinocchio Dollfair also was held.
My first Asian dollfair ~
People were so friendly and I saw many dolls I haven't seen in real life.
Not to mention all those gorgeous outfits, styling, set-ups etc.
I must admit I took way too many pictures.
Best of them (45) can be found my Flickr.
Here are some of my favourites as well.
To color up this blog entry.

Gorgeous uniforms and boys ~

Volks Belldandy ~ She has soft expression 

If I didn't have my Vanamo (Kurumi)
I would definedly fall for this girl *-*

I hope you enjoyed my little different kind of entry after a month's silence. Now you have a better idea why was that. Travelling still takes time, so that other things may be momentarily forgotten. Or not forgotten but I was completely unable to perform as I didn't have my computer with me. Back at home in the Netherlands again. We shall see what happens. There are plans that I might go to Dolliverse again this year. Just maybe :)

Fabrics and laces from Taipei ~
I finish with this picture of the fabrics I got from Taiwan. Few japanese ones, flowers and laces ~
I hope to have inspiration to start something new and use them. Also have designs for underwear sets and some MSD clothing. I have to reveal I am waiting for an order from LUTS.. will see when that comes..
Thank you for reading ~

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Candy Pink and planning

What an unimaginative title. Sorry about that.
Lately I feel I haven't had time nor wishes to touch anything near the sewing machine.
Other things in my mind and creativity seems to come in circles.
Or rather, in periods.
Little something I have been doing.
I think I need to give deep considerations as to how I want to display my girls and clothes.
I haven't been quite happy with the quality of my photos or clothing lately.
  Now I have to learn to use my camera properly.
If you check back my previous entries there have been several girls working as my models.
I plan to update a list somewhere in the blog frame of my dolls. Easier for you to check their models and names.
Few photos here. This pink/white headband I actually made in November, but didn't have a camera to take any proper photos. Better late than never, right? I think it looks rather nice on Migma, with her violet skin.
Soom Migma with a Tsukifly headband w/pink and white flowers
 And talking about sewing. During christmas holidays I fininshed Candy pink skirt with Candy/pink pearl details. It suits SD/SD13 girls and also goes on Super Gem girls as I discovered when I tried it on Migma.
Nicely all pink pink when combined with Candy pink corset. Mix&Match works with Tsukifly clothing.
This new picture (along with some others) have been updated to the Store. I must thank my friend for taking them ~!

Mix&Match Tsukifly clothing - Candy skirt with Candy corset
That is all for now.
Some plans I have for sewing but will see when I get around those.
Thank you for reading.
~ Tsuki

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mix & Match & Hot air balloon

It is snowing outside.
 Rather cold with proper degrees (around -15 celsius during the weekend..)
I haven't been feeling inspired to touch the sewing machine but I went through some older creations.
One necklace - hot air balloon was found, I don't think I have taken pictures or posted it anywhere just yet.
I will correct that. A new picture of the Mix & Match experiment as well.
Discovered I have some amazing fabrics, should just get around doing something out of them.

One example how different Tsukifly clothes go together.
A skirt with high waist and pink Candy corset for Supergem.
Pictured on Soom Migma.
 I updated some info and pictures in the Store. I should do some cleaning and make new pictures as some are not too good in showing details or are too dark otherwise. That goes on my list, but although I would like to get that done sooner rather than later it might take considerable time before I have energy/time to do anything.. Have to have plans, right?

Hot air balloon necklace
Now that I don't feel I want to touch the sewing machine that much I concentrate on other things. Like this necklace, flower head bands etc. Small additional stuffs. I am also knitting a Human sized scarf which I am planning to offer for sale as well. Something different and an attempt to expand the size/product base I am offering. I must admit though, anything in human size takes longer time and will be offered only occassionally.

Anyway, please keep checking back for a warm hand knitted scarf pictures :)
Not to mention a supergem skirt/dress thing I am working on (still haven't decided which one it will be..)