Sunday, February 9, 2014

Candy Pink and planning

What an unimaginative title. Sorry about that.
Lately I feel I haven't had time nor wishes to touch anything near the sewing machine.
Other things in my mind and creativity seems to come in circles.
Or rather, in periods.
Little something I have been doing.
I think I need to give deep considerations as to how I want to display my girls and clothes.
I haven't been quite happy with the quality of my photos or clothing lately.
  Now I have to learn to use my camera properly.
If you check back my previous entries there have been several girls working as my models.
I plan to update a list somewhere in the blog frame of my dolls. Easier for you to check their models and names.
Few photos here. This pink/white headband I actually made in November, but didn't have a camera to take any proper photos. Better late than never, right? I think it looks rather nice on Migma, with her violet skin.
Soom Migma with a Tsukifly headband w/pink and white flowers
 And talking about sewing. During christmas holidays I fininshed Candy pink skirt with Candy/pink pearl details. It suits SD/SD13 girls and also goes on Super Gem girls as I discovered when I tried it on Migma.
Nicely all pink pink when combined with Candy pink corset. Mix&Match works with Tsukifly clothing.
This new picture (along with some others) have been updated to the Store. I must thank my friend for taking them ~!

Mix&Match Tsukifly clothing - Candy skirt with Candy corset
That is all for now.
Some plans I have for sewing but will see when I get around those.
Thank you for reading.
~ Tsuki