Monday, March 24, 2014

Plans, Dolliverse and Headbands

I am slowly starting to recover from my lack of inspiration period.
Not fully there yet, but Spring and all this sunlight is also helping me.
At least headbands are inspiring me.
Just finished two new ones and managed to put them up at the Store.
Previously I forgot to add some of the stuff, but sure enough I will add everything now.

Nene reaching up towards little bird houses I have made as props.
Maybe they will end up on my Dolliverse table this year?
MIO kit has a lovely box.
 I made the decision to go to Dolliverse this year as well.
Planning the table should start at some point, but I feel it is a bit early for that at the moment.

I previously made cute bird houses, which might be up at the table. Huge fan of origami cranes as well. Maybe there would be something to consider? Definedly something cute and pink. I have been encouraged to make a Pullip custom as well. I have been a bit hesitant about that, but finally managed to buy a MIO Pullip kit. So, that is my next bigger Project. To complete this Pullip custom. For the time being my deadline has been set to be Dolliverse (she would be up for sale there) but might complete her sooner if I can. Eye mechanism keeps scaring me...

As I said above, I have been inspired to try some headbands (at least!). So I was able to use some of the new ribbons and foam flowers I acquired. Those have been sitting on my table for quite a while now. Sadly. But now it is over. For some of the flowers and ribbons. I think I will do few more. I want to try out those lime flowers I found as well as some minty ribbon - do you think they would work together?
Nene was my model for both of the new headbands.
However, they fit well on SD and MSD heads as well.

Here are some pictures of the two new designs. I especially like how the feathers look like on the second headband. Both of these have been posted up at the Store as well.
Two new headband designs.
One with feathers as I felt like trying them out.
I hope you like them!
I think that is all for now. I will be back with more designs and updates regarding the Pullip custom as well as other things. I received Luts Event heads as well, considering whether to do a face-up on them or sell them blank. At the moment blank is my reference as all my face-up stuff is in Finland. The difficulties when you live in another country. The distance is not so easily covered.
Thank you for reading!

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