Friday, May 17, 2013

Velvet dress and beads

Hello again ~!
It has been raining this week. Not very inspired about that fact, but fresh air is good.
I have been busy completing some other things for a while.
In any case new creations are always in my mind - more or less.
While studying and having very limited access to any sewing machine my bigger projects have to wait.
Thus, majority of the dresses and other clothes will be in tiny size. Or it seems so!
If there is any size in particular that would spark an interest I would love to take suggestions :3
Now I wanted to make some jewellery to go with the other things.
Personally I love keys so key theme was a natural choice.
All three options will be available at Dolliverse.
Previously I have also made animals and jewellery out of beads.
A while back I found some beads from my boxes and I wanted to make use of them as well.
Small companions for your dolls (beaded spiders and dragonflies!) or  a flowery headpiece to choose from. 
Finally, as can be seen this velvet dress and beads don't go together although the headline would like to suggest so.
I could not resist buying this velvet fabric.
Not very fun sewing it by hand, but all done and quite happy with the outcome.
Still thinking to add something to the collar, kind of feels like it is missing something..
Velvet dress in tiny size w/ lace collar
 I will be back with some new updates after a week or so.
Have to do some travelling in between without proper access to internet (but a sewing machine instead!).
 Thank you for reading.
~ Tsuki

Friday, May 10, 2013

A tiny dose of tiny dresses

My little Enne (Soom R.Picro) has been my 'fashion victim' for the whole week.
That means she has been there to model my newest creations in tiny size.
I decided it was time to try and make few longer dresses.
For both of these dresses I have used similar design, even similar fabric.
Only the color of the fabrics and used laces/ribbons are different.
Yellow&orange dress has an accompanying headdress although not shown well in the photo.
Orange&Yellow long dress w/ headdress
Long pink dress
These two longer dresses will be up for sale.
I believe only these two will be offered for now. The rest are likely to be knee-lenght.

Knee-lenght dress made out of japanese sakura/ribbon fabric.
That blue knee-lenght dress is my personal favorite from this week. I am a fan of that japanese sakura/ribbon fabric so naturally I like everything made out of it (previously I made longer dress in SD size).
Seems to be a bit too flowery for Enne though.
In addition I also made one another knee-lenght dress. From the same pink bunny fabric as the above longer dress.
Only that this time I paid more attention to the back side of the dress rather than the front of it (it has very modest buttons only). Some ribbons and laces to decorate the skirt part. 
Back of a knee-lenght pink dress.
 Now my plans are to gather up older stuff, try out some knee-lenght dresses with lace fabrics and build up some more stock for sale. So far I am pretty pleased with all the dresses and other things I have, but I wish to be able to offer even more variety of different products.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

New creations

It seems I have been very active lately.
Have to make the stuff when you have an inspiration to do so.
At least now I feel I have some lovely dresses and other things to sell.
Selection of bunny hats in varying sizes: Tiny, SD, MSD, Pullip
There will be six of them (red one not pictured) for sale.
SD sized dress w/bunny headdress. Matching set in Tiny size.

 I haven't yet been able to decide who to bring as my model alongside some mannequins to display some of the dresses. Hisa (Volks Lorina) would be the obvious candidate though :) Also considering Enne (my Soom R.Picro) for she is small enough not to take up too much space. 

Again more decisions. But those are about display itself and can wait for a while now. As can be seen this post is mainly to update and show some pictures of what is to come. These has been made so far.
I have some old stock I will be bringing up as well, attach labels on them.
Down below you will also see a Soom top I made today.
Overall I am pretty pleased how it turned out. The fabric was a bit of a challenge. Had all those nice patterns I wanted to bring forth. Love the fabric and I also got to use some of those nice buttons I previously bought.
That is all for now, catch you later!
~ Tsuki

Soom sized top I made today.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Establishment of the label Tsukifly

Hello there,
This is my first post in this blog.
Thus, impossible to keep it short, apologies if you thought this isn't going to take long.

Tsukifly clothing label is now

Tiny size dress w/bunny headdress and armband.
officially around. I am aware there are some clothing I have previously made, which unfortunately won't have the newly established label name. They should be considered as unique pre-Tsukifly pieces if identified so. Maybe I will go through my archieves to see if I have any pictures of those to share.

Plan was:
To decide a name under which I will make my doll sized clothing. (consideration, planning... too many years, too many options..) until recently I just made it. With a little help from my lovely friend (you know who you are~). From now on I hope to keep track how the label and clothing will develop :)

1st target:
My first official target with my new label will be Dolliverse 2013, June 16th, The Netherlands. Most of the clothing that I am working on at the moment (including their new cute clothing labels!) will be for sale there.
Make sure to drop by if you are around ^^!

Longer SD sized skirts and a glimpse
of those cute clothing labels.

    For these new clothes I have used wonderful japanese fabrics. I love how they catch light and how their colors are so vivid. First batch of Tsukifly clothing labels also arrived yesterday~ My first order through Etsy and I must say I am very much pleased how they turned out. I have also paid attention to available sizes. Trying to provide some variation there.

I will most likely offer some of the pieces and new ones for sale in Den of Angels at a later stage. For now, working for Dolliverse.
More pictures of what will be around for sale will be updated here so keep checking back!~ ^^
