I feel like a bad person for not being able to write sooner.
Its been quite a while since my last entry and my life has been such a roller coaster.
Rather common things to say don't you think?
The thing is that I have changed my country of residence twice within three month time period plus all the other things I have been doing + travelling around. Work and summer. I don't really feel like I had a sufficient summer holiday although it was there...
Thus, in relation to my sewing and doll related things my time for them has been reduced to zero rather effectively. Unfortunately so. I was rather looking forward getting Nerida finisher, pictures of Rein, tiny clothing for Mina and so on... I have a list of plans but because of the distance it will be impossible to have any of those things done before Christmas.
I hate to even think it will such a long time before I get to see my dolls! Or to properly sew anything. This is because all my dolls are currently in Finland while I have just moved to UK with just one suitcase with me. Therefore only highly necessary things are here for now.
While I won't be able to sew anything I will be posting some sketches/other things of what I am planning to sew/do as soon as that is possible.
Please keep checking back ~