Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Updates coming soon

It is apparent that I have been rather quiet recently.
I have had a lot going on in my life and thus haven't had much time for sewing.

Hisa is away getting a new face-up and I am missing her terribly.
During the spring she was my primary model for SD dresses and although I now have a possibility to use my other SD girls (Vanamo - Volks Kurumi and Aya - CP DES) as models it is hard to change my preferred model.
Hisa's body got hot-glue sueded of which I am very glad. She is able to pose better.

No pictures for this post as I had to leave my camera behind as well.
Next month is sure to be more productive. Both pictures and clothing.

During my short summer break (3 weeks only and constantly travelling) I was able to use few days to sew one dress out of the lovely Etsy fabrics I got earlier. Pretty much the same style as my previous ones, with some nice details. Vanamo was the model for that one, therefore it will fit to SD girls with larger bust. Next post will probably bring around few pictures.

I am also happy to announce that MSD sized clothing will be available next month.
I have few plans for MSD sized full dresses from some fabrics I found from my closet.
Those will most likely have layer designs, those were previously well received and I wish to do more.

I have been requested to try out some bloomers.
Made a few attempts in tiny size. If those come out okay later they may also become available.
So far the pattern has made progress, but not quite enough for me to be satisfied.

Thank you for reading,
~ Tsuki

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Commission and White Rabbit outfit

Lately I have been rather quiet. It has to do with summer holiday and the fact that I have been unable to gain access to internet for most of the time. Now that period is more or less over. This means I will be able to update more often.
Here is what has happened. After Dolliverse I got commissioned to make an MSD sized version of the bunny outfit I had made in tiny and SD size. Additional arm cuffs were requested as well. One picture of how it turned out. I had no MSD model available so the dress was made accoding to the size chart. A bit more difficult since I prefer to see it on a doll while making my dresses. Different methods need to be applied sometimes. 

Tsukifly MSD commission dress for meymeez.
For more pictures please check her Flickr:
From what I remember I already hinted I was working on Alice in Wonderland themed dresses as my next "bigger" project. First one of those is White Rabbit, now posted for sale as well. The dress comes with upper corset top, choker, arm cuffs, bunny ear headdress and a puffy skirt. Size is Super gem or similar sized dolls. Luella acting as a model for these few pictures.

First Alice themed dress: White Rabbit

Dress and all its parts
I have also used some nice macaron/Paris themed fabrics for few new SD dresses, knee lenght. I hope to get pictures of them at some point when I finish smaller details. Inspired to use the fabrics. Now I have my MSD model around as well. It is likely that  moreMSD sized dresses will soon be available.